Hi folks. It is June 26 and the weather is not quite so steaming as last week, but it does feel like summer outside. Not much else so, let’s go into this week’s video and another story about something I can never do. I wouldn’t intentionally drive a car in order to smash it up, but I do like the story and besides, Larry was about 16 years old when this had happened. https://youtu.be/mdOrzcK2eXw?si=NYAaw8fpIQqbPeHj

Bill Curry:

Required Weekly SAME test received

XLW573 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 162.475

12:15 PM – 26 June 2024

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:04 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT.

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: 11:23AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:03PM

(Eastern time)


-Observations from Montréal: Signal strength is very weak from KIG60. XLR412 Sherbrooke couldn’t be heard at all.

-1050Hz test: Passed (KIG60).
