RWT For Wednesday June 19 2024

Hi folks. It is June 19 and it is hotter than hell in Toronto. I would rather that then winter any day so, I’m not complaining and I refused to turn on my air conditioning unless I really have to do so. Also, because of this weather, I was able to hear Normandale VFI 621, Cleveland KHB59 and Kitchener XMJ 330. Will we see a report from one of them? Read on. Anyway, this is also great for those of us who are hams and I enjoy such openings like that, as I can dx. We have all tried to do this on a normal radio on either band and it is fun. Right? Besides, good propagation doesn’t come along like this every day so, let’s enjoy it like we should be enjoying this hot weather in Canada. After all, winter is coming six months from now and you know how much I hate that season.

On another note, it was 12 years ago today, when I first got an iPhone. It was also hot and I was not happy, to have something without buttons and only a screen. I was lucky enough that someone had recommended that I purchase a Bluetooth keyboard and one which is normally used for iPads. I still have it and it serves me well, despite the loss of a button. For the record, it is the quotation mark and with the shift key on, an apostrophe. If I hadn’t gone out to a Rogers Store and decided to upgrade from the other phone I had, to an iPhone I don’t know where the newsletter would have been. I certainly wouldn’t have been on social media and the same with using a website, in order to blog. I also would have relied on others to do some of the work for me and now, I can do it all by myself. I may do a post on how each post is put together in this blog, as I had done in a couple others, but I will save that for later.

This week I have another story from the same Youtube channel as last week’s video and it involves the narrator getting struck by lightning. I had no idea that my friend had become a part of that club and when he was about 8.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:00 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT.

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: 11:01AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:01PM

(Eastern time)


-Observations from Montréal: It looks like a very bad propagation day. Mt.Mansfield VT is barely audible and XLR412 Sherbrooke not at all…

-No 1050Hz test. Signal is too weak.


RWT Reports For Wednesday June 12 2024

Hi folks. It is June 12 and it was cool for a couple of days where I live. It is beginning to warm up and hopefully by next week it will be as hot as an oven.

On Monday it was WWDC with Apple being the most visible and the company I keep track of the most. After all, I use an iPhone every day including composing blog posts like this. Anyway, I have heard that new voices were coming to the iPhone and iPad, for those of us who use VoiceOver and so far, I have not heard what they are. One person (who is a beta tester) said that they didn’t notice any new voices yesterday, in my attempt to get ahead of any podcasters doing episodes on iOS18 and particularly, AppleVis Podcast. This is the one most relevant to myself and others who may be reading this who are blind and visually impaired, who use VoiceOver regularly. After all, we need it to navigate the iPhone and any weather apps we use. Even I need it to help with composing blog posts like this and inserting links to Youtube videos I think you would like. Anyway, my hope is that I find out next week as to what new voices are coming and if you are an NWR listener, I hope that Paul is one of them. Some of you may know the voice as Paul Jr., but I and others know him as Paul. Anyway, I digress.

Other than that, I don’t have anything to pass along as far as news on Weatheradio Canada and so, we will move onto the weekly tests. Except, I want to share a story from a podcast I have been subscribed to since 2021 and by a friend of mine. If you live in Southern Ontario you will know the name Larry Fedoruk and if it rings a bell outside of Ontario, good. Larry was born in Wakaw Saskatchewan and that is important to the story and his podcast called I Was 8 and it’s one of my favourite episodes. Besides, I loved going on trips as a boy, whether it was with my parents, school or daycamp. Although in the case of camp, I would’ve rather have gone on a school bus rather than taking public transit to the various attractions we went to in Toronto, with the last couple of camps I went to up to age 13. Anyway, enjoy.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) couldn’t hear it well enough dew to poor reception. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT.

Bill Curry:

Required Weekly SAME test received

XLW573 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 162.475

12:03 PM – 12 June 2024

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: 11:03AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:02PM

(Eastern time)


-Observations from Montréal: Signal strength is good from Mt. Mansfield VT; XLR12 Sherbrooke QC couldn’t be heard at all.

-1050Hz test: passed (with KIG60)


Announcement On Weatheradio Canada

This morning on Weatheradio Canada, an announcement is playing during the broadcast cycle, about something I had come across on the EccC website, thanks to the WeatherCAN app.

I had no idea about this until I had discovered the video on Youtube I have inserted the link to here and I am hearing it on Toronto XMJ 225 and no doubt, on Niagara VAD 320 as well. I don’t mind, but what about possibly doing something to change how the broadcast sounds as I have suggested, many times here and on FB? I am still hoping for the station IDs to change from male to female voices and the return of the short term forecasts, for all except for the main. Anyway, this shows that the female voices are being used as tey should be, but I also believe that Ava and Chantal should also be doing the station ID messages. I’m sorry to repeat myself, but I feel strongly about this and I can not let this go.

As for the subject of this announcement, it really doesn’t apply to me as I live in Ontario and so, I have no use for it, unless I am in British Columbia, Nova Scotia or Newfoundland. However, this is good to know and I’m sure that most people will be curious as to what this means and I will eventually take a gander at the website and read into it. Anyway, I thought I would let you know about this, as I have heard it a couple of times already.

RWT & RMT For Wednesday June 5 2024

Hi folks. It is June 5 and I am now a year older. I don’t feel any different and I will continue to act like a bratty child. I’m kidding about the second part, but I feel the same as I did before Sunday had rolled around.

If you have read my post on i-Notify, you know what I wish for when it comes to Weatheradio Canada and I had fired it off in an email to 28 other people, throughout Canada and the US. For those who know him, Phil Chadwick wished me a happy birthday. He was a long time meteorologist at Environment Canada and he retired in 2011. I’m so glad that he is still around as I have never forgotten hearing him and others on Weatheradio Canada, back in the day. This was when people read out all of the information on tape and it played back in a loop, while being updated. Anyway, before we get onto the RWT and RMT for this week, let’s watch the following video. If you are one who likes pizza, apparently there are (or were) a bunch of odd and disturbing monstrosities which resemble pizza. If you like them, it’s only the persons silly opinion and it’s all in good fun. Actually, these pizzas are only cancelled or failed and not so much as to be disturbing.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:00 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:00 PM, (RMT) 12:01 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:01 PM, (RMT) 12:02 PM EDT.

Jacques Pannetier:

Monthly and Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, RWT at 11:44AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: RMT at 12:03PM, RWT at 12:04PM

XLR412 162.475MHz Sherbrooke, QC: No signal

(Eastern time)


-1050Hz test passed. (KIG60)

-Sherbrooke QC couldn’t be heard at all. Mt.Mansfield VT was weak, but strong enough to trigger my weather radios.


Three Years Of i-Notify

Today is June 1st 2024 and it is the 3rd anniversary of i-Notify going live on Weatheradio Canada. This post will look back and review how things have gone, from 2021 to today and there will be some of the same opinions, hopes, dreams, wishes, wants and needs from listeners like myself and others. This will be a review with much the same text, but since late 2022, there have been developments, both good and bad. I am not going to talk about any decommissioned stations, rather talking about the opposite and any modifications which have taken place with a configurations of some WXRs.

On June 1st of 2021, i-Notify first went live as Weatheradio Canada had begun the transformation from the old AVIPAD’s software, to i-Notify. This came a week after a message which was played during the RWT over the entire network on May 26th. The transformation from old to newer technology and voices, was advertised as a gentle reminder, rather than inserting it into the sequence as a public service announcement. From that, I was excited and so were others, because we would Potentially get to hear all four voices as I had described them in a post from August 2018. We eventually heard all 4 voices on the network in Quebec, after a few days of the initial migration.

From my 14th floor apartment in midtown Toronto, I was able to listen to the stream of the Montréal WXR, via a Weather Radio streaming app. I had heard about the switch from AVIPADs to i-Notify on a Facebook group I co-administrate and when it had been revealed in the post, I immediately went to my phone and the app in question.

My first impressions were initial disappointment, only for the lack of voices that I heard on the broadcast. Don’t forget, that we had known about all 4 voices and I expected more than just a boring and dull broadcast, which is what it currently is now. I have always expressed my opinions as to which voice should do what and when I found out that the male voices were doing all the talking (during the regular cycle) I was not happy. I had emailed Weatheradio Canada, with my June 2nd blog post expressing how I felt and letting them know how I feel in separate emails, about what voices should have been speaking certain things such as the station ID and marine forecast. Which I will get to later on!

On Saturday June 5th, there were severe thunderstorm watches and warnings for parts of Quebec (including Montréal) and only the male voices were doing all of the yacking, including weather alerts. Before then, I had emailed Weatheradio Canada, asking why weren’t the female voices doing any of the talking and I was told that they were supposed to be doing any and all alerts. When I had heard only Tom and Nicolas speaking everything (including the severe weather alerts) I emailed Weatheradio Canada and told them what I had heard. It was eventually taken care of and shortly, we heard all 4 voices on the network, as i-Notify had begun to spread.

On June 15th, it was Atlantic Canada’s turn and it was a more bumpy transition, as with Quebec it just changed without warning and everything on the network was new. When Atlantic Canada began to use i-Notify, it was a different situation, where it went back and forth, between the new and the older AVIPAD’s, with one or two of the bins remaining and as of now, the new station ID plays, complete with the time announcements. At first, the older ID had played and eventually, it was removed, as i-Notify had become more common throughout Atlantic Canada. One of the main problems with i-Notify was a lack of SAME alerts to radios and that was fixed, dew to many emails and phone calls. As of now, things seem to be going well on that front, with SAME and the 1050 Hz tone inside severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings, along with the RMT alerts. One of the stranger things about the spread of i-Notify was the inclusion of Chantal doing the French translation of everything for a time, except for the station ID. This was switched back to Nicolas as the French counterpart to Tom (throughout the network by late summer) when Ontario had migrated and I had expressed my feelings on this as well. The response was no specific response except that things will stay as they are at the moment, as they have.

On June 9th 2022, Winnipeg had migrated and I had posted the Youtube video in the August 2022 newsletter and as I had said, the upgrade had gone much like it had done with Toronto in November 2019. The difference being that Toronto was still on AVIPADs and i-Notify hadn’t gone live as yet. Of course, we would have to deal with a pandemic and any plans being scuttled because of public health rules.

Another development is with what I am going to call editing of the configuration. As we know, since the new voices and software have come, we only hear the seven day forecasts for every region in the listening area. In some cases, there are WXRs with 6 or 7 regions which are covered, while others have 3 or 4. With the seven day outlook for all regions, it obviously makes the broadcast cycle long, in both English and French, including the AQI forecasts. Toronto is among those with the long cycles! To counter this, a few regions were taken out of the public forecast boxes and I thought then and still think that was a foolish idea. The only thing which saves itfrom being totally stupid is that we hear the seven day forecasts. However, that should be gone from the broadcast at some point, as the short term forecasts are set to return, for all but the main some time in the future. For example: Toronto will still hear the seven day forecast while the rest of the listening area will hear the 48 hour forecast for today, tonight and tomorrow, or tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow evening and overnight.

Something else which made things interesting is the question of, how are we going to hear not only English, French and the other native language to Canada, on the network? I am talking about Inuktitut and it is heard in parts of northern Canada, including Resolute Bay. I was told that Inuktitut will continue to sound like it did, with the same voice from AVIPADs, despite no Nuance male or female voices for this language as of now. I had talked about that in the May 2023 newsletter and I don’t know if this language is even available onHello Weather!, because I haven’t checked. Either way, it will be interesting if and how the language will be fit into the phone line, as there is no option other than English or French.

Today, i-Notify covers Weatheradio Canada from coast to coast. Ontario had taken their seat on the train, on September 8th 2021, throughout selected parts of the province. The WXR’s selected for migration were those which had been upgraded and even some which were slated to be turned off. This includes, Toronto and Collingwood and both had been upgraded prier to the switch. Toronto was of course, upgraded in November 2019 and Collingwood had its own upgrade in one day, as apposed to Toronto, which took 2 days to complete. I have of course, documented it in both a Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter post and a standalone post recently.

For those who speak and understand French, the French programming hasn’t changed all that much. A stuttering issue is still an occurrence on Stations outside of Ontario, namely the french words for “probability of precipitation”, which has removed the stutter for Ontario. If you live outside of Canada’s most populated province, you hear “Pro……..babilité” as apposed to “probabilité spoken by Nicolas. I noticed this also on other WXRs on both sides of Canada, so Quebec is not alone in this.

Another issue I keep going back to is the station ID and unfortunately, I am partly to blame for this. To review, it is no secret that I had access to all 4 voices back in 2016, but I didn’t know for sure that Weatheradio Canada would be using: Tom, Nicolas, Chantal and Ava until the 2017 tests in April of that year for selected locations. I have all 4 voices and more, on my iPhone and they are still there, but with newer versions of each. However, they are basically the same with different inflections for certain words. For example: Nicholas sounds better with no stuttering and all 4 of them sound more natural than they do on Weatheradio Canada currently.

I was asked which voices I think should be doing the ID (back in 2019) and I had suggested Tom and Nicolas. I had no idea that they would become the assigned voices for this function on the broadcast and my thought was, that they would only be the ID voices during the testing period. You can imagine how I felt after hearing what I had heard and my hope is that the station ID voices will eventually change, from male to female tones.

As I had said, the broadcast is rather dull and there is no variety, when it comes to the voice selections for different parts of the broadcast. Right now, the male voices do all the heavy lifting except for alerts and special announcements. If you are listening to find out what is going on, you need a voice which provides some urgency. The point is not to scare people, but to get listeners to take precautions against severe weather which is imminent or occurring at the moment. You see, Ava and Chantal sound way too relaxed and friendly, where as Tom and Nicolas provide that urgent thrust we need to hear, in order to wake up and get the hell a move on, in order to save your life and those of others too. We need the male voices for alerts and the females for something else, which I will get into below. By the way, Tom and Nicolas sound friendly too, but as male voices they are kinda commanding and get your attention, while Ava and Chantal sound rather laid-back and calm, which is what we don’t need in order to alert us of severe weather. No, we obviously can’t have any bad words on the network, but having 2 female voices which are more emotionless than the males alert us to possible dangerous weather, is just plain wrong.

As for forecasts and weather conditions, that can be interchangeable and I would be happy, with Tom and Nicolas doing any and all forecasts, with Ava and Chantal speaking weather conditions once in a while.I would really be happy with them speaking the station ID messages on a regular basis too and maybe even switching to the AQI forecasts once in a while. Another solution to shortening the cycle is getting rid of the Air quality index forecast entirely from the broadcast. If people wish to get the 7 DAY forecasts, or even the AQI forecasts, that is where WeatherCAN comes in handy and believe me when I tell you, people really want to hear the 48 hour forecasts the most, out of anything to do with the public forecast.

As for the voices, no more complaints and complaining about the French voices because I know how bad they are. I am used to all of the voices because I have them on my iPhone and I also sleep with my WX radio on at night. I don’t like the French voices all that much either, but these are the voices which were licensed to Weatheradio Canada and that’s what we get. It’s a shame that other voices weren’t allowed to be used, because they have more expression than Tom or Ava at times. For example: Samantha would have been good, or even a British voice like Daniel would’ve provided a change. Even an Australian voice like Karyn would’ve been nice to hear, but we don’t have any of those voices. We are stuck with the voices we were given so, let’s learn to live with them.

Something else which had been addressed was the weekly and monthly tests. During the tests, where the voice says something to the affect of “this is provincial short-form (i-e) ON and a 3 numerical digits, such as 004. What does this mean and why are they mentioned on the broadcast? We should be hearing that this is a weekly test of our Weatheradio equipment and a reminder of when it is conducted every Wednesday, as we had heard this for years and years. We should not be hearing “ENVIRONMENT CANADA HAS A MESSAGE TO BROADCAST, THIS IS A REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST FOR (AREA) I REPEAT, THIS IS A REQUIRED WEEKLY TEST FOR (AREA).” This is not general as it should be and the original script was exactly what we need to hear, as it tells you what you are hearing, why you are hearing the alarm and when to expect the next one to occur. New listeners may not understand that and so, the script as it has been for the past couple of years seems meaningless (rather than superfluous) in that we don’t think of an area as a series of 3 digits, other than the text on the screens of SAME radios when an alert comes in.

I think the original script for the RWT and RMT should return as this is similar to CBC’s now defund National Time Signal announcement at 1:00 PM every day, regardless of time zone in Canada, with the obvious difference being that the RMT and RWT takes place on Wednesdays only. This had a specific script which was read out on the air and as we had heard it, beeps went on in the background, until seconds before the top of the hour and the long dash. If we had the regular scripted preamble during the RWT and RMT I had mentioned above, there wouldn’t be a problem and I and others wouldn’t be emailing about this. By the way, a similar script for the alert tests were a part of the original tests in April 2017 and so, why wasn’t that kept for the launch in 2021? The main reason this needs to be further addressed is because the way it has been until September 2023 to today, it was too short and sometimes, some radios didn’t turn off and go back to standby mode, like they should. Case in point, during the May 31 2023 RWT, my scanner which I use to listen to the Niagara WXR alerts turned on, but couldn’t go back to standby and that has also happened with my Sangean CL-100 WX radio too, sometimes. It just keeps playing indefinitely, until I do something about it like turning it off, or manually putting it back to standby mode. So, maybe this can be given a listen in the log and then, remember that not everyone uses the same radios every day. Some radios react differently, to SAME and it was much better, with the egg timer and the human voices reading out the blurb, for both the RWT and RMT. Obviously, the humans are gone and so is the egg timer in Ontario, but what about the script before 2021, stating the fact that this is a weekly test of our alert equipped Weather Radios conducted every Wednesday near noon… in both English and French? Certainly this can be brought back and should have been left as it is with which ever voice would be selected.

The new script for the RWT and RMT test alerts is too long and is not concise enough,. All we need to hear is something to the effect of indicating that this is a test of our “alert equipped weather radios, held every Wednesday near noon” and that’s it. We don’t need to hear a bunch of gobbledygook, which only a few people (on the inside) may understand. We simply need the old scripts back, which are clear and concise and that’s all we need.

As for what will happen with i-Notify in the future, I don’t know and nobody from Weatheradio Canada has come forward with any earth shattering news, as to any changes to the voice selection and whether I approve, or disapprove of them. I’ve always said, my doors always open if they need help with selecting which voice performs certain functions on the broadcast. However, even I as a long time old reliable listener am not immune to being shut out of decision making and unfortunately, the great unwashed (majority) get the final say, as opposed to someone who knows what sounds best for a particular box. Everything is all in one basket and their needs to be a shake-up in the cycle, in order to make the broadcast more interesting. By which I mean that there needs to be more variety in what voices are selected to speak certain things and not a change in the order of the forecast all the time, as there needs to be consistency, in what we hear and when we hear it, but not at the cost of sacrificing regions from the broadcast cycle for public forecasts. At this point, the voices are consistent but not the order of the public and marine forecasts an this has to change quickly, so that more people who are listening, will get a general idea of when what they are listening for is coming up soon (i-e) the local forecasts.

These are my personal hopes for Weatheradio Canada and my desire, to continue contributing to it by not just commenting, but also helping to make final decisions on certain things. I hope that any changes which are slated to happen with i-Notify, will happen quickly. Also, I hope that those of us who are active listeners will get a heads up, as to what and when any changes will happen. Personally, I hope that I am the first, as I email Weatheradio Canada every week with my RWT and RMT reports for two WXRs which I can hear. I also wouldn’t mind having a say, as to any of the changes as well, as I know all 4 voices like the back of my hand. All that would need to be done, is to give me the text of what ever could be selected to have a change in voice, or even the phraseology involved. For example: a change in the station ID and maybe even a mention of WeatherCAN or providing an email Address, for those who wish to provide comments to Weatheradio Canada, outside of calling a voicemail.

Despite how the past 3 years have gone, I am glad that i-Notify is here and I believe that at some point, things will get better and we will hopefully be shocked and pleasantly surprised at what we will hear in the coming months to a year. I have hopes, but I also know that there are those who are not so optimistic and I hope that those minds can be changed. This new software is providing a golden opportunity to show listeners who weren’t around before AVIPADs, that Weatheradio Canada used to be much like NWR is now, but with humans reading out the text on tape. Now that we have text to speech, things can only get better, if they want to make it so. Well, do they? Of course they do.

To summarize my wishes, I hope that any changes being made to i-Notify will happen swiftly. If anything happens within the next 12 months, I hope to be pleasantly surprised and it would be nice to hear: the station ID messages spoken by Ava and Chantal, Tom and Nicolas doing weather forecasts, weather conditions and alerts. Also, the monthly and weekly tests as spoken by the ladies telling us that this is a test of our radios, along with the return of short term forecasts to the network and recreational forecasts to smaller lakes throughout Canada, to give us listeners more of an easy-going vibe on the network during the boating season. The changes I am proposing are in order to stop any and all complaints by listeners, or as many of them as possible. If people don’t like the sound of the voices, I have given detailed posts on them in more than one post in this blog and the latest was from August 2022. I-Notify has stayed the same for 3 years now and we need a shake up in the broadcast, which is positive and not something to provoke complaints from listeners. I have been a listener since I was 14 and now that I will be 51, I will have gone through 2 major changes to the broadcast in terms of the voices and the inclusion of SAME in the 2000s. Surely Weatheradio Canada can constantly improve the broadcast and if not, maybe a bunch of people will stop listening, which will give the wrong impression that stations need to be decommissioned. Is that what management wants? I hope not.

Speaking of that wrong impression, I also hope that we will have no more killing off WXRs for a long time. None of the currently decommissioned stations needed to be murdered. I say that because if a severe weather event happens in the areas which currently have no WXR service and a lot of people die, Weatheradio Canada will get the blame for it, from those who listen and some of us have blogs, which have the potential to reach all around the world. Also, what about July 8 2022 and the Rogers outage in Canada? I was one of the ones who were affected by it and I was lucky. What about those who may not have been so lucky? What if another major outage (because of severe weather like an ice storm ) happens not only to Rogers, but possibly other telecom providers, including Bell Canada? Bell is great, but nothing is indestructible, including us and cell phone towers. WeatherCAN can not be the end-all-be-all to save lives and we need older technology like Weatheradio, to continue to be there and sound good. It may not be as big a deal in Canada as NWR is in the US, but that is down to a lack of promotion and now, the imperfect sound of the network and stations being terminated, like the Vogons destroying worlds at will. If you don’t know what I just said, do a Google search of Douglas Adams and his five book and radio series entitled The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and I may do something about it, in the newsletter in a future post. After all, it does include a Rain God. Well, I also included a possible spoiler alert.

RWT For Wednesday May 29 2024

Hi folks. It is May 29 and it has cooled down somewhat in Ontario this week. However, it should start to recover starting tomorrow and by the time of my birthday on Sunday, it should be nice and warm and getting even warmer by next week. Not a whole lot to say this week, but I do have an announcement about a new NWR station coming next month, thanks to Ron Wilbanks from the NOAA Weather Radio and Weatheradio Canada Facebook group. If only Weatheradio Canada had continued the original plan of expanding, rather than contraction!

“Effective June 21, 2024, NWR service will begin from a new transmitter located in Providence Forge, Virginia. Station KAE42, operating on a frequency of 162.500 Megaherz and served by the Wakefield, Virginia Weather Forecast Office, will begin a 24-hr broadcast of weather forecasts and weather warnings to better serve the residents of East Central Virginia, including western portions of the Peninsula and Middle

For the next few weeks throughout the summer I will be inserting links to videos like I did last week, relating mostly to weather and some silly stuff to take our minds off how the world is going crazy for a few minutes or so. I will be giving you all sorts of things, from Youtube videos by us regular folk, to maybe even a TV show for preschoolers. Also because on Thursday there was a CANWARN training session over Zoom, I thought it would be appropriate to provide something related to thunderstorms and how kids get easily scared when they happen. Even I as a 50 something adult is a big chicken, when it comes to thunder and lightning unless I’m safe inside. Why shouldn’t I be? I am also CANWARN trained and fortunately, I haven’t had to use any of what I had learned and relearned each year, from the training sessions face to face, as apposed to over a phone and a bunch of other computers and all the distractions that life can bring. Anyway, let’s distract ourselves with the RWTs this week. By the way, if you live in Canada you may recognize the voice of the narrator and the show itself.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:00 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT.

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, 11:34AM

XLR412 162.475MHz Sherbrooke, QC: 12:02PM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:06PM*

(Eastern time)


-Finally, a full round-up! All 3 transmitters, reporting!

-XLM300 Montréal: More problems? At noon, the transmitter was broadcasting silence. Programming went back at 12:06PM and started immediately with the Required Weekly Test and then resumed normal programming. As of 12:20PM, it seems it is holding on.

-1050Hz test passed. (KIG60)


RWT For Wednesday May 22 2024

Hi folks. It is May 22 and it actually feels closer to summer. It actually was warm enough for anyone to ware shorts and a t-shirt, or even a muscle shirt outside without feeling uncomfortable. For me, I took advantage of this warmth over the long weekend and now it is back to more typical Mayweather for the rest of the month, with rain possibly rearing its head throughout the next few days.

On Friday I got a follow up email from NWR on something I had reported about Buffalo KEB98 being either off the air, or repeating a stay alive message. On May 8th it was off the air for a time and on May 15th it had been looping a stay alive message, stating that the NWR station was currently off the air and that listeners should use the website and maybe, listen to another surrounding WXR. Well, both times the problem had been taken care of by the time the RWT had happened. It was Sherri Glover who had called me back, even though I did not mention my phone number in my message on the NWR voicemail. Anyway, I did send her an email and I will make sure that she gets this post, so that she knows that she’s been acknowledged. Anyway, let’s acknowledge the RWTs this week. Before that, here is something for you to listen to, while you need something to keep your brain stimulated. I like weather and I like music too. I also like cars and of course, I also am a fan of radios. Have you ever thought how we got from having no radio in the car, to having not just a receiver, but also the ability to listen to music on all sorts of formats? Unfortunately, I don’t know how WX radios were introduced into cars and school buses, but I would like to find that out and maybe, do something on that in a future newsletter post. Anyway, check this out and some of you may know the voice telling the story, while others may not.

Bill Curry:

Required Weekly SAME test received

XLW573 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 162.475

12:55 PM – 22 May 2024

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:04 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:00 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT.

Gary Ranson:

Required Weekly SAME test received

XLK497 Middleton, Nova Scotia 162.550 MHz

12:01PM ADT – 22 May 2024

Sangean CL-100


Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: 11:03AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:02PM

XLR412 162.475MHz Sherbrooke, QC: *No signal

(Eastern time)


-Observations from Montréal: Signal strength is weak from Mt. Mansfield VT and Sherbrooke QC couldn’t be heard at all.

-1050Hz test: Passed (KIG60)


RWT For Wednesday May 15 2024

Hi folks. It is May 15 and two more days before the long weekend in Ontario. It will feel like May throughout Canada and hopefully, extreme warmth will come and heat things up before my birthday in June. However, there is that price to be payed with the potential smoke from wild fires from Alberta and British Columbia and I say this, knowing I have family in one of the two provinces I had mentioned, who are here in Ontario visiting. They are set to be departing this evening westward by plain and I hope that the weather doesn’t cause any havoc, with them leaving Toronto and flying west bound.

Speaking of June, I will be doing another post on iNotify and the anniversary and I hope to have something new to talk about, when it comes to any changes in the software upgrade and maybe, the voices and language cadences, such as various words spoken in French. Hopefully this will be addressed throughout Canada and not just in Ontario before long. Let’s find out what our radios are telling us and… what we all have to say about the same weekly alert tests.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:03 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT.

Bill Curry:

Required Weekly SAME test received

XLW573 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 162.475

12:05 PM – 15 May 2024

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly Test Report! – Once again, it is a severely truncated report.

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: 11:30AM

(Eastern time)

-XLM300 Montréal was fully functional a few days ago, but once again at the time of the weekly test, it is again in “watchdog mode”.

-XLR412 Sherbrooke continues to be in “watchdog mode”. It should be fully functional hopefully in time for the next weekly test.

-1050Hz test: Passed (from KIG60)

-Observations from Montréal: Signal strength is fair to good from KIG60 Mt. Mansfield VT (1 to 2 bars on the Midland WR400) while extremely weak and at times inaudible from XLR412 Sherbrooke QC.


RWT For Wednesday May 8 2024

Hi folks. It is May 8 and because it is severe weather season (summer severe weather season in Canada) let’s remind ourselves what the difference is between a watch, a warning and a weather advisory. This video should help to remind all of us, whether we know the difference like the back of our hands or not.

Looks like Buffalo KEB98 had an outage and I called NWR’s SAME line to report it, as things were getting back to normal just after 10:00 AM. What had happened was that there was no stay alive message and there was dead air, which would switch to the WXR being off the air completely and going back and forth. This would happen until I had heard a buzzing and an Australian female voice rattling off a bunch of numbers, with everything getting back to normal after a minute of buzzing and no speech besides the female from down under. Needless to say, it looks likely that Buffalo KEB98 will be on for today’s RWT after 11:00 AM. Speaking of which, let’s see what is happening with Buffalo and other stations except for some in Quebec, which are currently in watchdog mode. Is there more to this story? Keep reading and you will find out and if it isn’t in this post, stay tuned to future posts… like in August.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:02 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:01 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:02 PM EDT.

Jacques Pannetier:

Weekly test report!

KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield VT: 12:02PM (Eastern time)


-1050Hz tone test: Passed.

-XLM300 Montréal and XLR412 Sherbrooke are in watchdog mode for the 2nd week in a row.

Gord and myself got an update from Environment Canada. With Gord’s permission, here’s the latest news:

About XLM300 Montréal, it’s REALLY not looking good. The site has been vandalized. So it will definitively take a while for service to resume.

As for XLR412 Sherbrooke, it may be a seperate problem that is affecting that station. Environment Canada is looking into it.

So that’s how it goes. I’m heartbroken to hear that the Montréal site has been vandalized. As a Montrealer, I have to say that I’m not especially surprised. Vandalism is becoming a major problem in some parts of the city, especially downtown.

Thanks to Fred Voglmaier for getting back to Jaques and myself on this matter.

RWT & RMT For May 1 2024

Hi folks. It is May 1 and we have turned the corner, with one or two more to go before we reach the peak of the heat. At least, I hope we get plenty of heat this summer. Anyway, I hope that you had a chance to read the latest Weather Radio Listeners Newsletter post, as there was not a lot to it this time. If you remember April 8th 2014, the change in alerts is one thing I had gone over again, because I felt I had to update what I had said back then to today’s reliance on Weather apps, as well as Weatheradio Canada and NWR. There are some other things in there, but I will leave it to you to read the newsletter, if you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. Anyway, let’s check out what our radios are telling us with the RWT and RMT alerts for today.

From The Author:

Buffalo KEB98 (162.550 MHz) (RWT) 11:10 AM EDT. Toronto (XMJ225 162.400 MHz.) (RWT) 12:01 PM, (RMT) 12:03 PM EDT. Niagara VAD 320 (162.475 MHz) (RWT) 12:04 PM, (RMT) 12:04 PM EDT.

Spencer Harman

Required Weekly Test for 5/1/ 2024 recieved at 11:29 AM EDT in Kendallville, IN from KXI94 in Amgola, IN.

Michael Foy:

Test report for Wednesday, May 1st.

WXK45 Littlefork, Minnesota (162.550 MHz) – RWT sent at 12:00PM CDT.

VDB224 Fort Frances, Ontario (162.400 MHz) – Couldn’t get due to the transmitter being offline at the time of testing.

Jacques Pannetier:

Monthly and Weekly Test Report!KIG60 162.400MHz Mt. Mansfield, VT: RWT at 11:40AM

XLM300 162.550MHz Montréal, QC: 12:01PM: No alert*XLR412 162.475MHz Sherbrooke, QC*: No alert (Eastern time)

-Observations from Montréal: Signal strength is fair to good from Mt. Mansfield VT while still extremely weak from Sherbrooke QC.

-1050Hz test: Passed, with KIG60

*Both XLR412 Sherbrooke and XLM300 Montréal are looping. “Due to technical difficulties, some messages may be delayed”. In the case of XLM300, it is also broadcasting stale infos… from a week ago, April 24th ?!? Notifications will be sent to Environment Canada.

**: Save Environment Canada’s weather radio transmitters! XLR412 Sherbrooke QC is among the original 48 transmitters all across Canada that are considered for decommission.
Show your support for your weather radio (and alert!) service! Call or send an e-mail to:
Environment Canada Weatheradio:
Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault: Phone: 613-992-6779 E-Mail: